- Five cantons, four locations, three lakes in a region with two
languages - one country-exhibition: the Expo.02 was an occasion which
Switzerland never see. The Expo.02 takes 159 days. From the 15th of May
until the 20th of October, 2002 - there was more than 10 million
entries registered at the 6. Swiss country-exhibition. Altogether 40
different exhibitions and numerous "inbetweens" (art and other
projects) lured the public on the Arteplages of Biel, Neuchàtel,
Murten, Yverdon and on the sort nuisance Mobile du Jura. More than
13.000 events (theater, concerts, street rackets and other cultural
presentations) were to be experienced on stages and space. And: during
the entreprise 8500 assistants stood altogether ready for the 1,6
billion Francs expensive Expo.02. |
ART (pictures) - a virtual art on a none virtual urban media.
Pictures on streets ... |
- A lot of paintings existing over the world, somtimes you have the
possibiility to see some of them. This gallery represents only those
which we see personally. Nothing else. |